Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Cuddly Top Five.

We sold out of this one in record time...
but we still wanted to share why we heart this week's Cuddle,
Snugfits™ tees for tots
Here's our top five!

Gives Back. Literally. 10% of Snugfits' proceeds are donated to Surfers Healing, a foundation for Autism - a cause near and dear to their hearts. Surfers Healing brings needed respite to the lives of children with Autism and their families. Learn more about Surfers Healing here.

You be the designer. An abundance of color, style, and size combinations –over 250!

Creatively Cool Contests. Put your skills to work and personalize a tee or onesie of your own to win! Or, get camera happy and submit a photo of your little cutie wearing their Snugfits and win a free tee!

Born an Artist. We found Sara's story intriguing, and we know you will too. Learn more about the birth of Snugfits here.

More is More. Express the unique personality of any child and of course, the parent too. They also carry hard-to-find creative collections for twins, triplets, and preemies too. Don't believe us? And don't have time to search the site? Check out the commercial that shows just a few of our favorites…

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