Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why True Cuddles?

One of the reasons we decided to launch True Cuddles, a Canadian based company, was because we were absolutely amazed at how many baby products were being sold everyday AND equally amazed at how difficult they were to find in Canada. Some of these products are from well-known brands, some are crafty products created by hand, and some are products inspired by a parents looking for products they needed and realized weren't out in the market, etc. It's honestly endless. We spoke to many mom's who were spending a lot of money on shipping to friends in the US and having them ship up to them, and realized how frustratingly expensive and time consuming this process was.

We received a comment our on blog, that has inspired us to provide a bit more background on where True Cuddles came from. I have experience buying and selling for an international online design store, I've worked in marketing for the last six years and am in love with being a mom. I've partnered with a friend of mine who is a professional designer with a very strong entrepreneurial spirit and who is also in love with being a mom. We wanted to weave all of our passions together and True Cuddles was born.

We know this online "auction" idea is not new to the big ol' world wide web, nor is selling baby products online. The great thing about business and marketing is that everyone brings their own experiences and ideas to their own business. We're bringing ours and are excited to find products that you can't get in Canada, or North America even. As well, we've set out with a mission to never repeat a cuddle, so the products are always new and fresh. We have a few ideas up our sleeves to ensure that our web site is unique, is a fun place to shop and always celebrates motherhood.

We'd like to share the other online auction sites with our subscribers. We think it's a super fun way to shop online, to get great deals and find out about products that you wouldn't have otherwise.

We know there are many many more sites like these, but here are just a few that we know about...

If you have any questions, or comments about our business model, feel free to contact us at truecuddles {at} gmail {dot} com


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