Monday, September 22, 2008

Advertising for FREE?

Yes, that's right.

We're giving advertising away, for FREE, until 2009!

This is the perfect time to advertise your business, blog, or boutique on True Cuddles. With hundreds of readers per month (and still growing), we’d love to help you create an affordable opportunity for your marketing objectives. Here's a bit more information...

  • our audience consists predominantly of women and moms
  • we will only accept ads for products or services geared towards our readers
  • your banner will be displayed on the right column of our blog, along with our shoppe once it's launched
  • if you don't have a banner, we'd be happy to design one for you, FREE
  • there is NO catch, but we'd love for you to consider your participation in our cuddle of the week, or featured mom-preneur

If you’re interested in learning more about our FREE advertising opportunities, please send an email to: truecuddles {at} gmail {dot} com

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