Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to the True Cuddles Blog!

I am excited to announce that True Cuddles will be launching very soon!

Each week True Cuddles sells limited quantities of 1 baby product -- our Cuddle Of The Week -- but only until they're sold out!

We are working with many suppliers and partners as I type this!! I'm so eager to share with you the amazing products that we've been able to source to sell on True Cuddles at truly unreal prices. Some products are brand spankin' new and some are good ol' favorties...but all will be sure to bring a smile to you and your precious babe!

Check back soon as I'll be updating the blog in the coming days and weeks as we get closer to our much anticipated store launch.

In the meantime, enter your email address to sign up for the Cuddle Of The Week alert to ensure you're one of the first to find out when we launch and more importantly what the first Cuddle will be!



Wendy said...

Hooray! Congrats on the new business - it's gong to be a hit I'm sure!

tanis said...

Congrats! Pippa and I are looking forward to many helpful products and tips!